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The 2020 Census is open from the 1st December 2020 – 12th February 2021, and we look forward to your responses. The link to complete the Census has been provided to the membership for completion, if you have any queries please contact the

The Global Privacy Assembly Census is designed to give a detailed ‘snapshot’ of privacy and data protection authorities across the globe, as well as contributing to the aims of the Resolution on developing new metrics of data protection regulation which include to:

  • Develop internationally comparable metrics in relation to data protection and privacy; and
  • Support the efforts of other international partners to make progress in this area.

This is the second time we have run a census in our membership, the last one taking place in 2017. We plan on presenting the full results at the latest at the 2021 annual global conference next October and several Working Groups will be invited to contribute to the analysis.

The text of the survey form used in the 2020 census (in PDF form) is available in English, Spanish and French.

The Census Privacy statement can be found here.

Information on the 2017 Census can be found here.