A recent study of New Zealanders attitudes to privacy shows higher levels of concern among Mori. The biennial privacy survey of nearly 1200 New Zealanders (including over 320 Mori) was released last week to mark Privacy Week 2024. Pou rahi at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Shane Heremaia (Ngati [...]
Source: Office of The Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – New on the Website
During Privacy Week when we talked about notifying individuals about privacy breaches, we got asked a lot of questions about our guideline around 72 hours. Heres what we mean when we say 72 hours You must inform the Privacy Commissioner of serious privacy breaches as soon as you practically can after [...]
Source: Office of The Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – New on the Website
A biennial privacy survey of New Zealanders was released today to mark the start of Privacy Week 2024. The number and size of privacy breaches, combined with the increasing reach of technology into peoples daily lives, are two reasons people are more concerned now about privacy issues. Privacy Commissioner Michael [...]
Source: Office of The Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – New on the Website
The Privacy Commissioner has released the annual compliance assurance reports submitted by the three national credit reporting companies for the 2022/2023 year. Credit reporting agencies send us reports each year so we can check they are meeting their obligations under the Credit Reporting Privacy Code, Privacy Commissioner, Michael Webster said. [...]
Source: Office of The Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – New on the Website
Concern about social media use was one of the three themes raised by experts and agencies working directly with children. The three key themes were: - Social media is a major concern, and a combination of guidance and regulatory changes are needed to manage this risk to childrens privacy. - More [...]
Source: Office of The Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – New on the Website
The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) is imposing a fine of €10 million on Uber Technologies, Inc. and Uber B.V. (‘Uber’). The fine is in response to the company's failure to disclose the full details of its retention periods for data concerning European drivers, or to name the non-European countries [...]
Source: Dutch Data Protection Authority
Aylin Alexa Zainea (Leiden University) has won the first-ever AP Thesis Award with her master's thesis 'Automated Decision-Making in Online Platforms: Protection Against Discrimination and Manipulation of Behavior'. This was announced during the awards ceremony in The Hague on Monday, January 29. [...]
Source: Dutch Data Protection Authority
The risks of artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms are growing, especially with the emergence of generative AI. Issues like disinformation, privacy violations and discrimination are becoming more common. Technological innovations and the rapid adoption of AI and algorithms is currently outpacing our society’s ability to identify and manage these risks [...]
Source: Dutch Data Protection Authority
A few weeks ago, Dutch DPA technologist Jonathan Ellen took you on a trip through the world of strong passwords. Our hope is, of course, that you have started thinking about the strength of your passwords and replaced them in some cases. Good chance that you have encountered a number [...]
Source: Dutch Data Protection Authority
As part of the Tupu Tai Pasifika Public Sector Summer Internship Programme, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) worked with an awesome intern, Sinola Falefo’ou, in our Policy team. As part of her time here, we have asked her to put some of her thoughts into words and share [...]
Source: Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – Blogs