The Global Privacy Assembly has brought together data protection and privacy authorities from local, national and international levels since 1979, first as the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners then as the Assembly from the 41st conference in 2019.

The Assembly has adopted a mission statement and is led by a seven-member governance body. Find out more about the Assembly’s vision, history and Executive Committee.

Strategic Direction Mission and Vision

The Assembly’s vision is an environment in which privacy and data protection authorities around the world are able effectively to fulfil their mandates, both individually and in concert, through diffusion of knowledge and supportive connections. This vision is part of the Assembly strategic plan, adopted at the 41st conference in 2019, which also includes a mission statement, strategic priorities and an action plan.

Executive Committee

The Assembly has a seven-member governance body. The Assembly has a seven-member governance body. The Executive Committee comprises an elected Chair (currently The Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP) of Bulgaria), four elected members and, in an ex officio capacity, the hosts of the previous and next conferences. The host of the next conference acts as an invited Observer to the Committee’s activities. 

The Secretariat

National Privacy Commission (NPC) of Philippines.

History of the Assembly

For more than three decades, the Global Privacy Assembly, formerly known as the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, has been the premier meeting place of the world’s data protection and privacy authorities. It has built up a proud and productive history.

Picture Gallery

Picture gallery.

Contact Databases

Contact databases.

GPA Census

GPA census.