Following a decision taken at its 2017 Annual Meeting in Hong Kong, the ICDPPC launched a consultation, amongst members and non-members, on its own future. The consultation pivoted around three main themes: the Conference’s objectives and common future; the Conference’s identity; and the Conference’s format and structure.
This consultation exercise resulted in the adoption at the 40th ICDPPC annual meeting of the Resolution on a Roadmap on the Future of the Conference which mandated the Working Group on the Future of the Conference with the following tasks to be completed and presented at the 41st conference in 2019:
- setting up of a task force on the Annual meeting format, to consult and report on its recommendation;
- developing a background document on the interpretation of the membership and independence criteria;
- writing a detailed proposal on the creation of an ICDPPC contact group with external stakeholders, in particular civil society organisations;
- evaluating the possibilities and modalities, including technical and financial requirements, for the creation of an ICDPPC members online platform; and
- establishing plans for the development of a funded, stable Secretariat, in place for renewable terms of three years or more, and for the establishment of membership fees and its modalities.
The Working Group was active throughout 2019 to deliver the above tasks, which resulted in five proposals being submitted for consideration of the Closed Session at the 2019 Annual Meeting in Tirana. These are accessible in their final version in the ‘Relevant Resources’ section below.
At the Tirana Annual Meeting, the Closed Session mandated the Working Group with new tasks for the delivery of which a new work programme is currently being developed.
The Working Group on the Future of the Conference is currently seeking to refresh and expand its membership.
There are currently 14 member authorities which are participating to the activities of the Working Group on the Future of the Conference. Members include: UK (acting as the WG’s Chair), Albania, Argentina, Canada, France, EDPS, Germany, Gibraltar, New Zealand, Italy, the Philippines, Switzerland, USA, Hong Kong and Burkina Faso.
Members are very welcome to get in touch via the GPA Secretariat ( if they wish to join the Working Group on the Future of the Conference.
Conference rules
Working Group members should familiarise themselves with the current Rules and Procedures regarding the Conference’s purpose and structure.
Current rules
Section 3.3, dealing specifically with Working Groups, now reads:
Working Groups are composed of members of the Conference. Observers can be invited to participate in Working Groups on an ad hoc basis. Participation is voluntary. Working Groups are to be chaired by one or more member authority, and can come from the same or different regions. Working Group Chairs shall take steps to encourage participation from all regions. Insofar as possible, a Working Group’s members shall represent different cultural, geographic and legal backgrounds.
Working Groups derive their mandate and direction from the Closed Session. They shall report to the Closed Session; however, they should keep the Executive Committee informed of their progress.
Working Groups may be temporary or permanent, as stated at the time of their establishment.
Relevant resources
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Backgrounder: The Secretariat of the International Conference
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Proposals Paper: Costing and Paying for the Secretariat of the International Conference
Background Document on the Interpretation of the Autonomy and Independence Criteria, Tirana 2019 (this work stream was led by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)
ICDPPC Reference Panel, Tirana 2019 (this work stream was led by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office)
The Relationship between the Closed and Open Sessions and Proposals to Maximize the Attractiveness of the Annual Meeting Agenda, Tirana 2019 (this work stream was led by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)
Proposed Plans for the Establishment of an ICDPPC Stable Secretariat, Tirana 2019 (this work stream was led by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office)
Creation of an ICDPPC Secure Online Platform – Options and Financial Requirements, Tirana 2019 (this work stream was led by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office)