The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is celebrating International Women’s Day 2024 by bringing together the Australian Information Commissioner Angelene Falk, Freedom of Information Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd and Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind to participate in a panel discussion. The commissioners will cover a variety of topics shared prior to the meeting by their colleagues including work-life balance, women who have inspired them, advice for those just starting in their career and more.
The Office of the Information Commissioner, Queensland, will be marking IWD as part of Queensland Women’s Week. The following news article will be posted to their website, linking visitors to the Queensland Women’s Week website and promotional materials.
Celebrating Queensland Women’s Week and International Women’s Day
OIC is marking Queensland Women’s Week from 3 to 10 March, including International Women’s Day on 8 March.
OIC is proud to support this year’s theme ‘Count Her In’, which aligns with the UN Women International Women’s Day theme, highlighting the critical importance of women’s economic empowerment as central to realising women’s rights and gender equality.
When the community collectively embraces the initiative of ‘Counting Her In,’ it guarantees that women and girls are provided with equal opportunities to enhance their capabilities and fortify their capacity to learn, earn, and lead.
OIC is proud to acknowledge that since its inception, has had a majority of women in key leadership positions.
OIC will be marking these significant celebrations with messages to staff and on our social media platforms, as well as sharing opportunities to participate in UN keynote speaker events.
OIC encourages everyone to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about discrimination and take action to drive gender parity.
More information available here.
The DPA is holding an event on Friday, 8th March entitled ‘PIPA Unveiled’. This event is part of the Road to PIPA 2024 strategy as work to prepare organisations and individuals in Bermuda for the implementation of the Personal Information Privacy Act (PIPA), which comes into effect 1st January 2025. In honour of International Women’s Day, Alexander White (Privacy Commissioner) will be interviewing the Deputy Privacy Commissioner, Angie Farquharson in a public discussion on privacy regulation in Bermuda and what it means to be a woman in the privacy profession landscape.
INAI will hold an event on digital equity: exploring the intersection between law, privacy, technology and gender, on March 7 from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM.
INFOCDMX organized the Forum “With more information, more voice! Strategies to break gender gaps, with the purpose of reflecting on the challenges facing in the fight for gender equality and women’s empowerment, while offering practical tools to advance in these aspects.
In this forum, Citizen Commissioner Laura Lizette Enríquez Rodríguez, will coordinate Panel 3 entitled “Empowering ourselves through access to our personal data: clinical records”, to be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 from 12:30 to 13:30 hours, at INFOCDMX. In which will have the participation of the State Responsible for Quality in the Ministry of Health of Mexico City, Dr. Fabiola Beltrán, the public health specialist, Dr. Virginia Domínguez, the Head of the Technical Coordination of Medical Risks, Quality and Patient Safety of the IMSS, Dr. Italy Arvizu, and the private consultant, Mr. Manuel Tendilla del Pozo.
In order for INFOEM women to remember the reasons why this day is commemorated, through the realization of dynamics of sorority and awareness, in the framework of March 8 will be carrying out: infographics to remember the importance of building roads free of stereotypes and violence; taking an institutional photograph wearing a purple garment; a self-defense class; and phrases for sorority through the exchange of cards with phrases about sorority.
Nigeria is committed to aligning with the democratic values of the Global Privacy Assembly and emphasizing the intersection of privacy and gender equality.
“Investing in women and Inspiring inclusion”. Together, we can create a better, brighter future for all.
From Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC), Happy International Women’s Day.
In celebration of Women’s Day, will introduce “Privacy in the Spotlight,” a monthly webcast by the National Privacy Commission, broadcasted on Facebook and YouTube. The primary goal of this webcast is to raise awareness among Filipino data subjects about various topics related to data privacy.
Scheduled for March 8 at 6:00 pm Philippine Time, Episode 3, titled “Girls Just Wanna Have Privacy,” will be featured during the webcast. I, Roren Marie Chin, Chief of Public Information and Assistance Division, will host this episode alongside our GAD expert, Atty. Rashy Rellosa-Saguiguit, Chief of Legal Division & Chair of the Gender and Development TWG of NPC.