Executive Committee meeting: 19 June 2019
In addition to ad hoc update messages from the Chair, and information shared through the new ICDPPC Newsletter, the Executive Committee has decided, in the interests of transparency and open communication with members, to publish on the website a short summary of the discussion at each Executive Committee meeting. These summaries will start with the 51st Executive Committee meeting held on 2 May 2019.
Executive Committee meeting: 19 June 2019
The Executive Committee held its 52nd meeting on 19 June 2019 by teleconference.
The key focus of this meeting was to review the consultation responses on the Policy Strategy, progress on planning for the next Annual Meeting and next steps on the new name and logo to recommend to the Conference.
The Executive Committee noted that the 35 responses from members received to date, from a wide range of countries and jurisdictions, indicated broad support for the proposed policy priorities, with helpful indications for how the proposals could be further refined and prioritised. In light of some requests for an extension of the consultation period, related to the later circulation of the French and Spanish versions of the documents, the Executive Committee agreed to extend the current consultation until 8 July. Committee members would continue to seek out opportunities to engage with members at regional and other gatherings.
The Executive Committee thanked hosts Albania and the Programme Advisory Committee for their excellent work on the Open Session programme and noted that details including the timetable, panel topics and keynote speakers would be published shortly on both the host and the ICDPPC websites. The Committee discussed a draft agenda for the Closed Session; the broad outline was agreed with further work needed on some elements.
The Executive Committee thanked Mexico for proposing some options for a new name and a new logo, reflecting the helpful and creative input from members during the earlier consultation. These will form the basis for a further consultation with the membership over the summer. The Committee highlighted the importance of selecting a name which appropriately reflects the shift from an annual conference to a permanent body.
The next Executive Committee meeting will take place on 25 July 2019.