Digital Dilemmas Debate #4: Aid in the sky – Remote sensing in humanitarian operations
The 4th Digital Dilemmas Debate will look at how humanitarian actors can make use of these technologies while being mindful of their risks.
Digital Dilemmas Dialogue #4: Humanitarian Eye in the Sky
The 4th Digital Dilemmas Dialogue with Dr. Wojciech Wiewiórowski, the European Data Protection Supervisor, to discuss the key data protection challenges involved in the use of remote sensing technologies in humanitarian operations.
GPA Observers application deadline
International organisations and public entities who wish to join as observers may do so by filling in the appropriate online application form. Applications for observer status will remain open until end of day, Sunday 22 August 2021.
GPA Membership application deadline
If you wish to apply for membership to the GPA, you may do so by filling in the online application form. Applications for membership will remain open until end of day, Sunday, 18 July 2021.