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PLSC-Europe 2018 will be held in Brussels on Saturday 27 January 2018, right after CPDP2018. CPDP – Computers, Privacy & Data Protection conference – is an annual gathering of academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry, and civil society from all over the world. Its 11th edition, “The Internet of Bodies”, will take place from Wednesday 24 January to Friday 26 January 2018. PLSC-Europe will follow on Saturday 27 January 2018.

Based on the popular Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) event in the United States, PLSC-Europe is dedicated to bringing together privacy law scholars, practitioners, and privacy scholars from other disciplines from across Europe and beyond to discuss current issues. PLSC-Europe aims at fostering greater connections between academia and practice (industry, legal, advocacy, and government), and at bringing together law scholars with academics and professionals from other disciplines (e.g. economics, philosophy, political science, computer science). The first PLSC-Europe was held in October 2015 in conjunction with the Amsterdam Privacy Conference, and the second one in May 2017, in conjunction with TILTing Perspectives 2017. From 2017 onwards, PLSC-Europe became a regular event co-organized by the University of Amsterdam (IvIR), Tilburg University (TILT), and the Free University Brussels (LSTS/Privacy Salon), alternating between Amsterdam, Tilburg, and Brussels. The third edition of PLSC-Europe will be held on 27 January 2018 in Brussels.

PLSC is a paper workshop. Papers are not available, and proceedings will not be released. The papers discussed are works in progress, and so will not be publicly released, nor publicized: the ideas presented by the authors are often still developing, and need further incubation before being finalised. In a PLSC paper workshop, a “commenter” leads a discussion among participants on an author’s paper. Authors are encouraged to listen to the discussion, rather than steer it or participate actively to it. There are no panels or keynotes at PLSC: the idea is to help the author by giving feedback and advice on the paper. Workshops are informal and friendly in nature.