Some privacy and data protection networks are arranged on the basis of common language or cultural affinities.
The following information sets out information about networks that involve GPA member authorities. Some of these networks involve only member authorities. Others also include participation of other regulators or government authorities having the same linguistic or cultural affinities.
The summaries are based upon publicly available information. Please notify the Secretariat of any errors or of any networks that have been overlooked.
Association francophone des autorites de protection des donnes personnelles (AFAPDP)
Description: The Francophone Association of Protection Authorities of the Personal Data (AFAPDP) was created in September 2007 in Montreal under the leadership of representatives from Francophone data protection authorities and the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF).
The AFAPDP seeks to:
- Enhance the effectiveness of members in the promotion and implementation of the right to protection of personal data;
- Encourage research and the sharing of good practice;
- Constitute a francophone centre of expertise on data protection;
- Collect and disseminate information on members within the Francophonie network (OIF and Francophone institutional networks);
- Cooperate with other organizations and associations to promote data protection and democracy.
Membership includes:
- The independent authorities responsible for the protection of personal data and the privacy of countries and governments who share the French language (full members);
- Representatives of states and governments who share the French language and have adopted legislation but have not yet installed an independent authority (associate members);
- Representatives of other states and governments who share the French language who are interested in developing the rules of data protection, as well as regional and international organizations (observers);
- The peace Directorate, democracy and human rights OIF has observer to the General Assembly and the office.
Relationship with GPA: Many AFAPDP members are GPA members and the AFAPDP itself is accredited as an observer. AFAPDP sometimes hold meetings alongside the annual meeting of GPA.
Website: The AFAPDP maintains a public website.
Common Thread Network (CTN)
Description: The Common Thread Commonwealth Association for Data Protection and Privacy is a data protection and privacy working group of Commonwealth countries. It was set up on October 2014 to provide a network for data protection authorities and government officials to share knowledge, experiences and good practices in order to contribute to the development of a global privacy framework and to foster capacity building.
Relationship with GPA: Common Thread includes GPA members and sometimes holds meetings alongside the annual meeting of GPA.
Website: The CTN maintains a public website.
Ibero-American Network of Data Protection (RIPD)
Description: The Ibero-American Network of data protection (RIPD) was established in 2003 as a forum for the promotion of the right to data protection in the Ibero-American community (which includes Spain, Portugal, Brazil and the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas). At an early stage, its activity was mainly aimed at promoting the legal and institutional development of the protection of data in the Ibero-American countries. After the progress made in the adoption of specific laws and the implementation of data protection authorities, the work of the network, without abandoning this line, has devoted greater priority to cooperation through the exchange of information, experience and knowledge in the development of common instruments and involving coordinated/joint activities.
The RIPD has both members and observers. The criteria for membership are very similar to the accreditation requirements for GPA membership. The Spanish DPA maintains a Secretariat.
Relationship with GPA: RIPD members are generally also GPA members. RIPD sometimes hold meetings alongside the annual meeting of GPA.
Website: The RIPD Secretariat maintains a website.