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Global Cross Border Enforcement Cooperation Arrangement – Notice of Intent

Notice of Intent to participate in the Arrangement (clause 7, 12, 13 of the Arrangement)

To: The GPA Secretariat

The following Privacy Enforcement Authority submits its notice of intent to participate in the Global Cross Border Enforcement Cooperation Arrangement (‘Arrangement’).


  • If a PEA becomes a participant then the participant will be added to a list of participants on the website.
  • If the participant commits to Schedule 1 or commits to other arrangements then the participant will be added to a list of participants committed to Schedule 1 or other arrangements on the website. European participants and those subject to GDPR/Convention 108 wishing to participate and who in addition wish to share personal data should consider the ‘other arrangements’ or schedule 2 starting point option rather than the Schedule 1.
  • To change information supplied via this notice please contact

  • Details of the Privacy Enforcement Authority (PEA)

    Note: Privacy Enforcement Authority means any public body that has as one of its responsibilities the enforcement of a privacy and/ or data protection law, and that has powers to conduct investigations or take enforcement action.
  • Details of person who completed this notice

    Note: Information supplied under this part will not be posted to the website. It will only be used to process the notice of intent
  • Note: Email addresses must be official authority addresses
  • Participation eligibility criteria

    Note: Privacy Enforcement Authority means any public body that has as one of its responsibilities the enforcement of a privacy and/ or data protection law, and that has powers to conduct investigations or take enforcement action.
  • I confirm the PEA’s eligibility to participate in the Arrangement by indicating one or more of the following:

    Note: You can indicate as many of the categories as apply to your PEA

  • Notice of Commitment

    Note: Notice of commitment means a PEA commits to Schedule 1 of the Arrangement or commits to make other arrangements to ensure that each participant’s privacy and data protection requirements are fully observed.
  • Note: You can submit a notice of commitment separately at a later date.