Navigating the Global Data Privacy Landscape: the 2023 GPA Census
Every three years the GPA takes stock of the work of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) membership through the GPA Census. This work began in 2017, then the second in 2020 and the 2023 Census marks the third Global Privacy Assembly Census.

The GPA Census 2023 connected efforts of more than 130 data protection and privacy authorities from across the globe and gathered information of 78 GPA members providing a timely picture of the policies and delivery approaches that guide and regulate data protection and privacy matters all over the world.
The Census informs the GPA´s Working Groups within the most relevant regulatory provisions on privacy and personal data protection with details over authority profiles, data protection law, jurisdiction and exemptions, authority´s funding and resources, authority´s enforcement powers, case handling and reporting as well as cross-border data flows, enforcement and cooperation or breach notifications.
The GPA aims to achieve its vision through cooperation, collaboration and training to develop policy positions, as well as guidance, tools and implementation approaches, with the aim of delivering consistency and predictability of the supervisory system, as data flows.
Thus, this report bears many similarities to the picture reported in the 2020 census, but there are some noteworthy differences in 2023. One of the most notable differences is the adoption of social networks for information purposes, as well as extending the jurisdiction in terms of data protection and privacy to newly created technologies.
You can read the full document here.
You can read the 2020 Census here.
You can read the 2017 Census here.