Institute of Transparency, Access to Public Information, Personal Data Protection and Accountability of the Mexico City (Info)
INFO CDMX invites you to attend the activities we prepare in the framework of the International Day of Personal Data Protection
30 January, 2025
11:00 hrs
Museum of Memory and Tolerance
Program & Registration
Día Internacional de la Protección de los Datos Personales
Website for more information: https://diainternacionalpdp2025.infocdmx.org.mx/
Instituto de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Protección de Datos Personales del Estado de México y Municipios (Infoem)
En atención al correo electrónico de fecha 21 de enero del año en curso, referente a la celebración del Día de la Protección de Datos 2025, le comunico que el Instituto de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Protección de Datos Personales del Estado de México y Municipios (Infoem), realizará el evento denominado: Panel en conmemoración del Día Internacional de Protección de Datos Personales 2025 “Regulación de la Inteligencia Artificial y la protección de datos personales en el Estado de México”, mismo que tendrá verificativo el 30 de enero del presente, en punto de las 10:00 horas; en este sentido comparto con ustedes el banner y los videos alusivos al evento en cita; lo anterior con la finalidad de que sean difundidos en el sitio web y redes sociales de la GPA.
Website for more information: https://www.infoem.org.mx/
European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
As a part of the celebrations of Data Protection Day, the European Data Protection Supervisor is planning various activities including communication campaigns and a one-day conference.
- Data Protection Day – 28 January 2025
In cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE), and CPDP Conferences, we are co-organising a one-day event to explore the current and future data protection landscape. While celebrating this historical milestone, this conference serves as a platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities that arise when emerging technologies and privacy risks intersect on one hand, and those that arise when innovation meets regulatory frameworks. This year, we invite more than 40 distinguished speakers in 3 Main and 3 Side sessions who will reflect on and discuss the evolving mandate of data protection, particularly its essential role as a safeguard of our democratic society against excessive intrusions in citizens’ privacy by public or private actors. For more details about the conference, please visit our dedicated website: https://cpdp-dataprotectionday.eu/ . We invite you to watch a short teaser introducing the main topics of the conference. It will be available on our social media platforms (LinkedIn, X, Instagram).
- Raising awareness on social media platforms – 28 January 2025
The EDPS will publish a cartoon illustrating data protection challenges in today’s world of fast-developing technologies and rising risks of the digital age.
Website for more information: https://cpdp-dataprotectionday.eu/
Bosnia and Herzegovina Data Protection Agency (DPA)
As part of the celebration of the European Data Protection Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina on January 28, an invitation will be delivered to all print and electronic media in Bosnia and Herzegovina along with an appropriate press release on the holding of the press conference. The press release will also be posted on the Agency’s website www.azlp.ba
The Personal Data Protection Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a press conference for the media on Tuesday, January 28, on the occasion of the European Data Protection Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH. During the press conference, the management will present the work of the Agency in the past 2024, as well as the activities and plans for 2025, and answer various inquiries from journalists. On this occasion, also press kit was prepared for the Conference participants and journalists.
In addition, during the Press conference, certificates of appreciation will be awarded to organizations with which the Agency has had successful cooperation over the past year.
Website for more information: https://www.azlp.ba/
UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
The UK ICO will be doing the following activities in commemoration of the Data Protection Day:
- The UK ICO, together with the Business and IP Centre at the British Library, is organizing a webinar “Data Protection for beginners.” The webinar is an introduction to data protection for new businesses and start-ups. We’ll look at practical guidance for responding to people’s requests, handling personal breaches and the rules around direct marketing.
The event will be held on Tuesday, 28 January, 14:00 GMT. More info: Data protection for beginners | ICO
- Given the AI theme this year, we are also planning to publish a myth-busting blog on our website, which we will pitch to the press. This will take the misconceptions that came out of the Gen AI consultation report and make them more accessible – Tackling misconceptions | ICO.
- On social media, we will be posting shareable Data Protection Day content, the AI myth-busting blog, and a podcast-style video later in the week that offers a more consumer-friendly angle to the blog.
Website for more information: https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/media-centre/events-and-webinars/data-protection-for-beginners/
Office of Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
Data Privacy Week 2025 takes place from January 27 to 31. This year’s theme is “Put Privacy First.”
Considering privacy at the beginning of an initiative is a key to future-proofing programs, services, and systems. It can also help organizations to reduce the risk of issues arising at the eleventh hour or once a program has been launched.
Putting privacy first supports compliance with privacy law and ultimately helps organizations to build trust with Canadians.
For individuals, putting privacy first means being empowered to protect your fundamental right to privacy. For example, by knowing how to select strong passwords, recognizing phishing and other scams, and considering what information to share in online interactions.
Why should we put privacy first? And what do we protect when we protect privacy and ensure data protection? We invite you to read the Privacy and data protection as fundamental rights: A narrative, prepared by the Global Privacy Assembly’s Data Protection and Other Rights and Freedoms Working Group. The narrative takes stock of the proliferation of data protection laws and instruments and reinforces a case for adopting a fundamental rights-based approach to data protection and privacy globally.
During Data Privacy Week, we invite you to share social media posts from our accounts on X (@PrivacyPrivee) and LinkedIn (Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada/Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée). Add the hashtag #DPW2025 to your posts to join the online conversation.
Website for more information: https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/about-the-opc/what-we-do/awareness-campaigns-and-events/data-privacy-week/
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
9:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST
Toronto (MaRS Discovery District) and online
Patricia Kosseim, Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, will host a panel discussion with privacy experts from the public and private sectors, academia, and law to discuss privacy enhancing technologies and how they can be adopted to help address some of the most pressing privacy and data issues facing organizations today.
Attendees will enhance their knowledge of which technologies are suitable for different types of challenges, and the activities that small and large organizations can pursue to help increase their adoption.
Key areas for discussion include:
- A primer on the different kinds of privacy enhancing technologies
- A discussion of the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each
- How privacy enhancing technologies are being applied in practice across various sectors
- The promise and perils of privacy enhancing technologies from an opportunity, risk, and reputational perspective
- How modern privacy laws are beginning to incorporate concepts of deidentification and anonymization
- Luk Arbuckle, Global AI Practice Leader, IQVIA Applied AI Science
- Khaled El Emam, IPC Scholar in Residence; Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa; Senior Scientist, Electronic Health Information Laboratory, CHEO Research Institute
- Adam Kardash, Co-Chair, Privacy and Data Management, National Lead, AccessPrivacy
- Jules Polonetsky, Chief Executive Officer, Future of Privacy Forum
- Mohammad Qureshi, Corporate Chief Information Officer and Associate Deputy Minister, Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
- Pam Snively, Chief Data and Trust Officer, TELUS
Event agenda:
8:30 a.m. – Doors open for in-person attendees
9:15 a.m. – Welcome and keynote by Commissioner, Patricia Kosseim
9:25 a.m. – Panel discussion moderated by Christopher Parsons, Acting Director of Technology Policy, IPC
10:25 a.m. – Break
10:40 a.m. – Panel discussion continues
11:40 a.m. – Audience Q&A
11:58 a.m. – Closing remarks by Assistant Commissioner, Michael Maddock
12:00 p.m. – Event ends
This is a free event, but registration is required. Simultaneous French translation will be provided for the webcast.
Website for more information: https://www.ipc.on.ca/en/media-centre/events/ipc-privacy-day-event-power-pets-privacy-enhancing-technologies/
Personal Data Protection Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia
Concerning the celebration of the Data protection Day 2025, the Personal Data Protection Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia together with GIZ (German International Cooperation Society) will organize an event that will promote 3 videos that are intended for the general public, in order to raise awareness for personal data protection and the dangers of online frauds. The event will take place on the 28th of January, 2025 on the premises of GIZ in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. The activity is aimed at the general public, and it will be covered on social media, digital media, newspapers and television.
Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales
Thematic Focus: Generative AI
TITLE: Privacy in the AI era: Safeguarding personal data in the face of new challenges
Promote a multidisciplinary dialogue on the challenges and opportunities that Generative Artificial Intelligence poses for the protection of personal data and privacy. Through the participation of national and international experts, academics, legislators and authorities, we seek to promote greater awareness of the need to adopt ethical and regulatory approaches that safeguard fundamental rights in the digital environment, ensuring that technological development advances in a responsible manner and for the benefit of society.
o Analyze the impacts and challenges posed by generative artificial intelligence on the protection of personal data, from a legal, technical and ethical perspective.
o Explore existing regulations and legal frameworks, both nationally and internationally, that regulate the use of generative AI in relation to privacy and security of personal data.
o Identify best practices and recommendations for the responsible use of generative AI, promoting the protection of the fundamental rights of users in digital environments.
o Encourage collaboration between authorities, academia, civil society and the private sector to design joint strategies to ensure privacy and ethical use of AI in the management of personal data.
o Raise awareness among students, professionals and the general public on the importance of personal data protection in the context of the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, highlighting the need for an ethical and transparent approach.
Website for more information: https://encuestas.inai.org.mx/guiadeapoyo/
Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic
Planned activity for the DP Day 2025 is aimed on general public and communicated online through the website of the Office https://dataprotection.gov.sk/sk/ and hotline:
- Special hotline for individuals available in the morning hours on 28 January 2025
- Informal questionnaire for general public with questions on data protection
- Audiovisual presentation on the tasks and examples of important affairs of the Data Protection Authority
Website for more information: https://dataprotection.gov.sk/sk/
Autoridad Nacional De Transparencia y Acceso a la Información – República de Panamá
We share with you and other members of the GPA, information about how the citizens can protect their personal information.
You can find this information on our social media platforms:
Instagram: @antaipanama
Facebook: @antaipanama