In 2017 the Global Privacy Assembly undertook its first ever census which was designed to give a detailed ‘snapshot’ of privacy and data protection authorities across the globe.

The GPA Census was designed to contribute to the aims of the Resolution on developing new metrics of data protection regulation which include to:

  • develop internationally comparable metrics in relation to data protection and privacy; and
  • support the efforts of other international partners to make progress in this area.

The text of the survey form used in the 2017 census (in PDF form) is available in  EnglishSpanish and French.

Read the full high level results of the 2017 census here

Other Census results and sub-reports

Release of census data for other research
The Assembly resolved to “support the efforts of other international partners to make progress in this area”. To give effect to this the Secretariat published a census policy that anticipates release of the information gathered to other networks of privacy and data protection authorities and approved researchers. Release is at the discretion of the Secretariat and may be subject to conditions.

Any network of privacy and data protection authorities, or researcher, wishing to have access to the information should complete the request for release of information form and submit it to the Secretariat at


Approved researchers

  1. Asian Business Law Institute
  2. APPA Forum (via NZ OPC as Convenor of the APPA Comparative Privacy Statistics Working Group)
  3. Centre for Information Policy Leadership
  4. International Association of Privacy Professionals
  5. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canadasecond request
  6. OECD
  7. Microsoft