During the ICDPPC Executive Committee meeting held on the 19 June, the Executive Committee agreed to extend the consultation phase of the Policy Strategy.
The Secretariat is pleased to announce that the deadline for submitting your comments to the Policy Strategy is now Monday 8 July 2019 (close of business, UK time).
The ICDPPC’s Executive Committee launched a consultation for members on six policy areas, as well as proposals for policy priorities and actions for 2019-2021.
ICDPPC members will have received an email with more information about the policy strategy and how to respond to the consultation, which now closes on Monday 8 July 2019. If you have not received it, please email excosecretariat@icdppc.org.
Both French and Spanish versions of the documents are available.
Elizabeth Denham, Chair of the ICDPPC Executive Committee, said:
“At our 40th ICDPPC Conference in Brussels last October, we were proud to adopt the Roadmap Resolution, a clear clarion call to strengthen our committee’s core policy role and influence in advancing privacy and data protection at the international level.
“The next step is to identify the priorities to maximise that global impact. We need your expertise and insight.
“We all face the challenge of limited resources and an ever growing list of challenges that need our attention. In that context, it is crucial that we choose priorities that we all share, and we can all support to carry our goals through to fruition.
“It was with this intention that my fellow Executive Committee Members and I devoted two days at our recent meeting in London to explore the issues and to develop a proposal setting out policy priorities.
“We believe the approach we are proposing is one that will position us to remain relevant for the years ahead. But our vision must be a shared one. I hope I can rely on your input ahead of the 6 June deadline for views on this defining piece of work.”
All responses will be considered for a revised proposal for further consultation with the membership.
For further information, please email excosecretariat@icdppc.org.