Highlights from the Global Privacy Assembly Closed Session 2021
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Privacy is getting increasingly important in the digital age, so what can data protection and privacy authorities do to further uphold people’s fundamental rights?
These were central issues under discussion as the Global Privacy Assembly joined together for their 43rd Closed Session (20-21 October).
The virtual conference was hosted by National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), Mexico, and brought together more than 90 members and observers to consider key data protection challenges. It followed an open session earlier in the week.
Opening the session, Elizabeth Denham CBE, outgoing GPA Chair and UK Information Commissioner, praised the work of the privacy community through the pandemic, calling for the Assembly to continue to be impactful.
Ms Denham said: “We were already in a data-driven age, even before the pandemic supercharged that acceleration of digital growth. Now data-driven innovation is helping us through health crises, and influencing every facet of society.
“Our community’s work is central to that, ensuring people trust that innovation. But we cannot assume that privacy will always have a seat at the table. Our input into discussions on key societal issues is dependent on an understanding that data protection and privacy supervisors bring a valuable insight, a practical mindset and we can respond promptly.”
Resolutions were discussed and agreed at the conference, giving a shared view on a range of important current topics:
- Data sharing for the public good;
- Children’s digital rights;
- Government access to data; and
- The future of the Global Privacy Assembly
Other topics discussed in detail included international enforcement cooperation and regulatory sandboxes.
The Assembly also adopted a strategic plan for the next two years, committing to a continued focus on advancing global privacy, maximising the GPA’s influence and building capacity for members.
The Global Privacy Assembly brings together more than 130 members and observers from around the world. At the closed session, the following new members and observers were welcomed:
New members:
- Commissioner of Data Protection, Abu Dhabi Global Market
- Office of the Queensland Information Commissioner, Australia
New observers:
- National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), Brazil
- Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority, Saudi Arabia
- Ministry of Transport and Communication, Qatar
- Data Protection Office, Qatar Financial Centre
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, United States
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States
- Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) Forum
- Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIHR)
The results of the GPA Executive Committee election were also announced:
- Marguerite Ouedraogo Bonane, from Burkina Faso’s Commission for Information Technologies and Civil Liberties, stood down having completed her second two year term; and
- Morocco’s National Commission for the control and the protection of Personal Data (CNDP), was elected to the Executive Committee for a two year term.
Commissioner Besnik Dervishi, from Albania’s Information and Data Protection Commissioner also stood down from the GPA Executive Committee after serving an additional year as Past Host Authority.
President Commissioner Blanca Lilia Ibarra Cadena, of Mexico’s INAI, was elected as Chair of the Assembly. She replaces Elizabeth Denham CBE, UK Information Commissioner, who has completed her three year term.
Welcoming her successor, Ms Denham thanked the Secretariat and the Executive Committee for their support.
President Commissioner Blanca Lilia Ibarra Cadena responded: “The GPA is alive and flourishing thanks to our interactions and exchanges.
“Our partnership is deepening, with our cooperation covering issues that concern society as a whole, achieving a growing impact.
“The ideas expressed at this conference invite us to rethink and draw new horizons on the incorporation of best practices in the handling of personal data.”
For more information, visit globalprivacyassembly.org
GPA Newsletter September 2021 now available
The GPA September 2021 Newsletter is now published and available on the GPA website.
This Edition of the Newsletter features the upcoming highlights of the GPA 2021 Conference, as well as our regular editorial from some of the leading representatives of the GPA community. The Newsletter provides the latest insight and updates on important issues impacting the international data protection and privacy landscape today.
This GPA September 2021 Newsletter is the final edition to be produced by the current UK, ICO GPA Secretariat and we would like to sincerely thank all the contributors to the Newsletter during our tenure over the past three years.
Shortlisted entries announced for the 2021 Global Privacy and Data Protection Awards
The GPA Executive Committee has shortlisted entries for the 2021 Global Privacy and Data Protection Awards.
Now in its fourth year, the Awards celebrate the achievements of the GPA community and shine a light on good practice.
The shortlisted Award entries are:
Education and public awareness
- Gibraltar Regulatory Authority – ‘Control Your Privacy’ campaign
- Personal Data Protection Office in Poland (UODO) – ‘GDPR in the school bench’ webinars
- European Data Protection Supervisor – TechDispatch reports
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada – ‘Privacy Clinics’ platform
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand – ‘NotifyUs’ online platform
- CNIL, France – CookieViz 2.0
Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, Colombia – Sandbox on Privacy by Design and by Default in AI Projects
- Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, Colombia – Accountability Guidance
- CNIL, France – The Developer’s Guide to GDPR
- Information Commissioner’s Office, UK – Accountability Framework
Dispute resolution and enforcement
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Canada on behalf of privacy and data protection authorities – Video teleconferencing (VTC) Global Compliance Initiative
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Canada on behalf of the Canadian Authorities – Facial Recognition Technology compliance tools
GPA members will receive instructions on how to vote for this year’s shortlisted entries.
The winners will be announced at the Global Privacy Assembly 2021, Mexico.
GPA 2021 Mexico: A message from INAI Commissioners
As the INAI, Mexico is a committed guarantor body for compliance of fundamental rights, and Host of the Global Privacy Assembly 2021, we have decided the central theme of the GPA 2021 to be Privacy and Data Protection: A Human Centric approach. It is crucial to highlight the role individuals play in the decision making involved in data processing, regardless of the technology used for that purpose.
This year’s edition will be held in a hybrid scheme both online and in-person on 18-21 October 2021, which will allow us to have high-security standards and facilitate cooperation without physical or virtual barriers.
For the in-person part, diverse venues will be considered in order to provide the appropriate care for the safety of the attendees, maintaining safe distance protocols, mandatory use of face masks, and reduced forums. As for the virtual part, we will have a friendly platform that will allow digital interaction among participants.
With great excitement, we would now like to present the Agenda for the Open Session, which is mainly focused on the coexistence between the development of new information technologies and human rights. This will feature keynote lectures, panels and parallel sessions in which international and national experts will address their best practices on technological evolution and human intervention in massive data processing; Privacy and the Pandemic; Vaccine Passports and Similar Certificates; Data Flows with Trust; Internet of Things; and artificial intelligence, digital rights and inclusive policies are among others topics that will also be reviewed. The Agenda for the Closed Session has also been published.
As host authority of this year’s edition, INAI intends to generate opportunities for an open dialogue allowing leaders to discuss and to exchange knowledge and ideas to propose solutions for emerging issues in the field.
We are looking forward to your attendance at the Assembly, see you soon in Mexico City!
INAI’s Commissioners
Host Authority, GPA 2021
‘Privacy, People and the Pandemic’ workshops by OECD, GPA and UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
The OECD Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy in the Digital Economy (WPDGP), the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) and the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy are hosting two workshops that will be spread across three days 21-23 June 2021.
The workshops will offer complementary – and sometimes challenging – points of view of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic with a special focus on privacy and data governance. The topics follow on from two previous workshops held in April 2020 and September 2020.
The first session will provide an opportunity for policy makers and regulators to share perspectives one year later on the varying privacy and data governance frameworks that were developed in support of their response efforts.
This will lead onto two sessions on innovative insights on countries’ plans for the road to recovery with a specific focus on “Data privacy aspects in the workplace during the pandemic” and “Vaccination programmes and travel passports.”
The third and last day will be an intensive workshop organised by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, also with the support of the GPA. It will be dedicated to a more in-depth evaluation of the evidence available on the impact of the pandemic on privacy across the world. The intensive sessions on this third day will also afford NGOs, academics and others, both within and outside OECD countries, with the opportunity to discuss similar issues as those presented during the first two day workshop or outside it.
GPA 2021 Resolutions – Call to GPA members
Do you have a resolution idea to table at the GPA 2021 Conference?
Are you looking to co-sponsor or contribute as a GPA member to this year’s Conference resolutions?
The GPA Executive Committee is aware that many members want to get as much as possible out of their membership of the GPA. Engaging with the development of the Conference Resolutions is a great way to get involved. As we start to prepare for this year’s Closed Session, members are reminded of the GPA approach, including the deadlines for submission, relating to resolutions.
Submission of Resolutions for the GPA 2021 Closed Session
- Resolutions for 2021 will be adopted at the hybrid online and in-person Closed Session. Members considering submitting a resolution, please note that resolutions should:
- be clear and concise;
- address matters sufficiently related to the purposes of the GPA and invoke action on matters relating to data protection and privacy;
- focus on a current strategic need of the GPA – In other words, resolution main sponsors should be able to easily explain how the resolution text contributes to the delivery of the GPA Strategic Direction adopted in Tirana, 2019.
- Proposed resolutions must have at least four other co-sponsors (apart from the main sponsor), representing, insofar as possible, different cultural, geographic and legal backgrounds. Please note: it is the main sponsor’s responsibility to ensure that these four other co-sponsors have been obtained by the time of final submission of the resolution to the conference on 4 October at the latest, otherwise the Resolution may risk not to be considered valid.
- It is the main sponsor’s responsibility to negotiate member amendments to a resolution. The Secretariat can receive amendments directly to the Secretariat central inbox to forward onto the main sponsor, but many main sponsors prefer to be contacted directly. In any case, please indicate which email address and name of official responsible for answering questions about the resolution the Secretariat should use for directing all resolution-related enquiries and amendments.
- Proposed resolutions should be submitted either in English, or if the original is in another language, then please submit a copy in English simultaneously.
Proposed resolutions are subject to the following timelines in 2021:
Action | Date |
Please notify the Secretariat of intention to table a resolution by:
11 June 2021 |
Deadline to table a draft complex/technical resolution to the Secretariat |
30 June 2021 |
Deadline to table a draft resolution (non-complex/technical) to the Secretariat |
30 July 2021
Proposed draft resolutions circulated to all GPA members: consultation period launched, for comments and amendments |
16 August 2021
Final draft resolutions circulated to all GPA members in advance of the Closed Session (complete with four other co-sponsors) |
4 October 2021 |
For your information, please see the link to the GPA Rules and Procedures and for all enquiries regarding the above and the upcoming Closed Session, please contact the GPA Secretariat: secretariat@globalprivacyassembly.org.
GPA 2021 Mexico – Save the Date
The Chair of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), its Executive Committee and conference hosts the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI), Mexico, are pleased to announce the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly 2021 will take place between 18-21 October 2021 in Mexico City, Mexico, as a hybrid event, available both in-person and online.
Registrations will open soon! With more details to follow.
Visit this year’s conference website, Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest information.
GPA May 2021 Newsletter now available
The GPA May 2021 Newsletter is now published and available on the GPA website.
Featuring editorial from some of the leading representatives of the GPA community, get the latest insight and updates on important issues impacting the international data protection and privacy landscape today.
Launch of the GPA Global Privacy and Data Protection Awards 2021
The GPA Executive Committee is pleased to announce that this year’s Global Privacy and Data Protection Awards nomination process is now open!
Now in its fourth year, the Awards celebrate the achievements of the GPA community and shine a light on good practice.
Any member can apply. Submit your entry form no later than Wednesday 16 June 2021.
The award categories are:
- Education and public awareness
- Accountability
- Dispute resolution and enforcement
- Innovation
- People’s Choice (shortlisted entries in all categories will automatically be entered for this Award)
Update from the Working Group on Digital Education
30 April 2021 Update
The Working Group on Digital Education (DEWG)
Benefit from explanations of a short video recording about the CIRCABC platform.
You will be able to view a tutorial video to better understand how to join the CIRCABC platform, access the 170 documents indexed by target groups, upload and present in a few words the educational materials produced by your own DPA. Please request the video’s password from the CIRCABC Leaders. You can view the PowerPoint presentation here.
In addition to these live demonstrations, two videos less than a few minutes long will explain the contents of this online library and the DEWG’s priorities.
Take advantage of the tutorial now and do not hesitate to contact its leader if you have any questions!
Pascale, Marc and Vincent – CIRCABC Leaders
at pserrier@cnil.fr ; Marc.Lemmer@cnpd.lu; vincent.legeleux@cnpd.lu
Le Groupe Education au numérique (DEWG)
Des explications réalisées dans un format vidéo court sur la plateforme de ressources pédagogiques CIRCABC.
Vous pourrez visionner une vidéo-tutoriel pour mieux comprendre comment accéder à la plateforme CIRCABC, consulter les 170 documents classés par groupes cibles, ajouter et référencer des contenus pédagogiques réalisés par votre APD. Veuillez demander le mot de passe de la vidéo aux CIRCABC Leaders. Vous pouvez voir la présentation PowerPoint ici.
En complément de ces démonstrations en direct, deux capsules vidéo de quelques minutes viennent exposer les contenus de cette bibliothèque en ligne, et les priorités du Groupe international.
Profitez dès à présent du tutoriel et n’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toutes les questions !
Pascale, Marc and Vincent – CIRCABC Leaders
at pserrier@cnil.fr ; Marc.Lemmer@cnpd.lu; vincent.legeleux@cnpd.lu
11 February 2020 Update
The Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) membership is organised into Working Groups that concentrate on the most significant GPA initiatives identified by the membership, deriving their mandate and direction from the annual conference, typically leading from Resolutions. Learn more about the GPA Working Groups.
In this video, Ms Marie-Laure Denis, President of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), gives an update on the work of the Working Group on Digital Education.